- This option is ONLY for Full Time HackerBay Employees
- This is only for you and your immediate family (your spouse and kids, if you have any)
- We cant have it for your parents at this point. You would have to buy separate insurance for them.
- If you have immediate family (spouse + kids). Let us know when you’re enrolling for an insurance).
- To enroll, Ping @nawazdhandala
United states
We’ll subscribe you at
- Healthcare in India is opt-in. So, you’d have to tell us if you want to be covered.
- Policy will be for 1 year and will be renewed automatically as long as you’re with us.
- You can buy from health insurance companies directly, the only advantage you have with us that its cheaper (10-15%) because we buy insurance for the company together and not individually and its automatically accounted on your paycheck.
Other Countries
- Unfortunately, we don’t support health insurance in other countries yet. Please talk to local insurance company to get you and your family covered. We highly recommend you do.